Podcasting Demystified
Tools of the Podcast Trade - Podcasting Demystified

Jackson Calame

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Jackson teaches visionary entrepreneurs how to unlock sustainable revenue growth and expand their legacy by becoming a Power Brand in their market.

96% of businesses fail within the first 10 years. Jackson teaches businesses, not only how to avoid failure, but how to win, by becoming a true leader in their market.

Having worked in, launched, and scaled several successful startups in the b2b industry & SaaS space, servicing thousands of SMBs, Jackson has seen firsthand that even the best operators struggle and often fail. The problem begins with poorly managed growth, due to establishing a weak foundation, which inevitably leads to collapse. Jackson and his teams prepare business owners and executives to bridge their growth gaps. Collectively, we often fill the roles of COO, CMO, or CEO during this transformative process.

Your key to success as growth occurs and operations shift, will require that you evolve. Developing an incredible culture, built around a clear vision dedicated to customer satisfaction, must be the focal point of a company's mission in order to ultimately thrive. Most operators think they are prepared for this. The truth is, you aren't. Personal growth will be necessary. Personnel shifts will occur. Cuts will likely be made as accountability begins to expose who your contenders are, and who your pretenders are. It’s not personal, it’s business. And in order for everyone to win, a business can only afford to have leaders who pull their own weight, who add value to the mission, not anchors who will hold you back.

If your business is ready for a powerful shift that empowers you to maximize your potential, Jackson and his team members are the key players you need on your team, to make it happen.