Podcasting Demystified
Best Tips to Unlock the Power of Podcasting for Profits w/Evans Putman
October 12, 2023

Best Tips to Unlock the Power of Podcasting for Profits w/Evans Putman

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What happens when a seasoned online entrepreneur with 20 years of experience shares his golden insights on podcasting? We get an engaging, enlightening, and action-packed episode full of practical tips and strategies that can transform your podcasting journey.

In this episode, Evans Putman, the creator of Podcast ATM Business Model, takes us on his incredible journey from being an online entrepreneur to running one of the most successful real estate podcasts. He also shares how he helps other entrepreneurs shine their message to the world.

Evans and I dissect the common downfalls that entrepreneurs face when starting their podcasting journey. He provides insights into how you can be intentional and proactive about audience growth, and why it's crucial to plan with the end in mind.

We also discussed the art of maximizing the impact of guest appearances on podcasts and how to make your podcast a platform for transformational experiences. It's about more than just broadcasting; it's about creating a connection that leads to meaningful change.

But the gems don't stop there. Evans introduces us to the Servepreneur Blueprint, a unique strategy that is centered around serving others and creating an abundance cycle for everyone involved. He emphasizes the value of having a coach or community to keep podcasters motivated and on track.

Finally, we explore the power of authenticity and how sharing our unique talents with the world can help attract and connect with the right people. So, tune in today and get ready to unleash your podcasting potential.

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  • Website: www.podcastsalesmachine.com/leads 
  • Get More Leads: text 'leads' to 555444 
  • Plug into the Podcast ATM model to grow an audience of eager buyers and turn on a flood of leads and sales with your po

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00:00 - Podcast Growth and Monetization Mistakes

09:20 - Power of Podcasts in Business

17:39 - Podcasting's Power and the Serve Blueprint

26:33 - The Power of Sharing Your Message

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

This is tools of the podcast trade, where you can learn about the tools and resources you can use the start and grow your podcast Tune in this week as we talk about the help you need to remove the mystery from podcasting so you can become a successful Podcaster that can reach your audience where they are. My guest today is Evans Putman, ATM of podcast ATM business model. That's a mouthful, Evans. Welcome to tools of the podcast trade.

Evans Putman:

Oh well, thank you. Thank you very much. And actually, jen, that's not a, that's that's my business Model that I've created. It's actually not my podcast, but I'll give you a little. Can I give you a scoop? Yes, I'm actually. I'm in the process of launching to new podcast and one of them is called get clients from podcast for strategies for host and guests. So you, your audience, is the first to hear about that. So that's getting ready to launch in the next week or so. And then I've got another one where I'm called one podcast away, where I'm sharing inspiring stories of people like yourself, people with podcasts, people who've been on podcasts, and Something inspiring is happened. Either somebody heard their message and had a had a life changing moment, or it changed their business, or something like that. So you got two scoops for the price of one.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yeah, and congratulations. Thank you for sharing with me. Thank you and your audience, yes.

Evans Putman:

Yeah, I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be on today, so thank you.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Okay, cool. So before we get into all that good stuff lots of good stuff sounds like Tell us who's Evans put man.

Evans Putman:

I am, I guess you could say, and at first and foremost I'm a husband and a father and and that's my, my main thing I don't know if we're gonna be on video or not, but by over my shoulder you can see my little painting of my little fun family. There I've got my daughter and my wife. My daughter Chloe, my wife Stacy, and so that that's that's really who I am at essence, my core, that's what I do build my business around my life instead of the other way around. And and along with that, you know you could say I've been an entrepreneur for 20 plus years in the online space. So I was doing this back when we didn't have the kind of cool tools that we have to be able to do this together today, and we had dial up for that. There's probably some people don't even know what dial up is anymore, but you know it was a. It was a different era when I first started. So I've been doing that for 20 plus years and I've been a consultant, a coach, a marketing strategist and Just just enjoy it and joy, helping other people get their message and their mission out into the world and so they can change lives and create more impact.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yes, yes, thank you very much and thank you for sharing your family with us. I appreciate it.

Evans Putman:

No, you're welcome.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yes, so since I started, I opened this Pandora's box. Tell us what is the podcast? Atm business model.

Evans Putman:

I'm happy to thank you for asking. Yes, see, it all works out perfectly right. That was meant to be for us to talk about this and this. This came from. I guess it was about gosh, six or seven years ago, when I found myself in podcasting, had no idea, would never thought about being in podcasting anything like that. I was a marketing strategist at the time and I started working with somebody who had a podcast and they were struggling to grow it. They didn't have any type of business model associated with it, but he did have a big vision that I was able to sit down with him and I was like give me, tell me, a vision of your aspirational future. What does that look like? What do you want to do at this podcast? And he shared that with me. So I said give me the weekend, I'll come back with a plan. Came back with a plan next thing. You know, I'm agreeing to help somebody grow their podcast because, as an entrepreneur, we often say yes.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yes, figured out later, right so?

Evans Putman:

So that started a journey, and it was a podcast called real estate rock stars with Pat Hybin and, and you can still find real estate rock stars out there in the market. It was actually a business that we built and we were able to sell. So through the time working with Pat, we were able to grow to over a hundred and fifty thousand monthly listeners, all organically and no paid ads or anything. We were able to put in a system that allowed us to get Leads from our listeners at a really high rate. We were getting almost eight out of ten people who came to our landing page from our podcast were joining our list and Then from that point, we had basically put in For lack of better terms sort of a podcast sales funnel that pushed our listeners from listener to lead to customer and then to client. So what we developed was a business model, and Pat actually is the one. I became a partner in the business. We grew it together, became really successful and Pat was the one that actually gave it the ATM Name, where he was. Like you know, evans is like. You've helped me take my podcast, this passion. I had this, you know, thing that I love to do getting behind the mic and speaking to share my message to change others lives, but you've allowed me to do that while installing a business model that runs on autopilot and just spits out profits. It's almost like it's a podcast atm. Yeah, right then I was like oh, that's a really cool sort of name for it. So I thanked him for saying that and I took that and once we I ended up leaving that business because I wanted to take what I learned and what I built and share with other podcasting entrepreneurs so they could Get out there and really shine their message and mission to the world and be able to use their podcast as an engine that drove their business. So I left the business and then, probably about six or seven months later, podcast or pat came to me. We were talking over lunch and he was like you won't believe this, but because you were able to build this system and put this podcast atm business model in there, that you know it was a business, not just a podcast. I'm. I've got people coming to me wanting to buy the business. So he was able to sell the podcast in the business and that's why it's still out there. You can still find real estate rock stars, but it's under a different Post name now.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Okay, like that story. Well, thank you yeah, I do like it, okay. So you have me thinking about a few things. I hear you talk about the fun now, the using the podcast as a fun now. And you know, for the longest time when I, when I started studying podcast because I did that before I actually started one there wasn't anything connect. It wasn't connected to money in any way, it was just you started a podcast because you had a passion or you wanted to read some people, right. So I see, atm, next to podcast on my, my ears perked up, right, and it got me thinking about this question. I think this came from you, so I'm leading that with this question from you. What are the biggest mistakes podcasting entrepreneurs Make when it comes to growing an audience and monetizing their podcast?

Evans Putman:

Yes, that's a great question, and I like to you emphasize entrepreneurs, because that there is a distinction in the podcast world like with the people I work with are generally Coaches, consultants, experts, business owners who are looking for Away. They love podcasting, they love sharing their message and maybe they're tired of social media and all that kind of stuff and they just want to figure out how to connect it to their business, and so there's a few really big mistakes that I see happening and you know, one of the most basic I'll share is okay if I share two or three, yes, yes, one of the biggest ones is because it's it's really funny, jen, because I would say 80% of the people that I work, that I do consulting with, come to me and they've already launched their podcast. They've done a lot of work with their podcast. They really enjoy it. But these are successful entrepreneurs and they come to me and they're like Evans. I'm starting to feel like this is a liability and not an asset. It's not really connected to my business in any way. I just started it because somebody told me I needed to start, and so I did it, which is still. That's great, right. It's always good to get started with something. Don't, don't, don't, just delay and delay and delay until you figure it out. But that takes me to the one of the first biggest mistakes that I see is that people don't intentionally sit down and start with the end in mind, right, like so. Here's this is my ideal dream client that I love to work with. This is the big result I get them. This is how I do it, easier and better than anybody else out there in the market. Now how do I take that end result and sort of back it into the podcast and use that podcast as a way to push people into my world to join my programs and services? So I'd say that's number one is just not being intentional About thinking that far ahead, because, unfortunately, you will start to feel a little like you know, I think I might just shut this down because I'm not getting a return on investment, and that's unfortunate, because I believe everybody has a message and a mission that can change at least one person's life, and it's worth it if you just change that one person's life. So that's one. The second one that I would say comes with one of the biggest things that people ask me. It's around podcast growth Such a big audience, and I will tell them that one of the biggest mistakes people make is they they don't when it comes to audience growth with podcasts is they're not proactive about putting themselves their podcast in front of other people. They sort of sit back and think, if I just post on social media or I'll leave it up to Apple podcast for people to find me, and instead you have to have strategies in place. We, we, like. I call it an evergreen audience acceleration system. Um, but it's evergreen because you put assets out into the world, that you do them once and they deliver listeners on and on, and on and on, as opposed to social media where you make a post and it disappears after five or six minutes or maybe doesn't even get shown to anybody because you don't control the algorithm. So that's number two. When it comes to audience growth, you really have to be proactive. You really have to think where is my dream client that would be a listener? Where are they hanging out? Now I got to go, get in front of them and I'll give everybody a little tactic, a hint. One of the best ways to do it is exactly what we're doing here Right Get on other people's shows that are amazing, host and have amazing podcast and share your message, because you know, if they're a listener, they've already raised their hand and they're more likely to be a listener of your show. So the third thing I would say, this is probably this is the biggest one for podcast guests and podcast hosts. So I'll give you a double sort of a double barrel answer on this one to cover everybody. I see this all the time where people miss a huge opportunity to get people on their list from their podcast guest appearances, when we and I share this because we were about two weeks from closing the doors on our business and shutting down the podcast until we figured that out, and in the next 12 months we went basically from zero dollars in sales to half a million dollars in revenue from our podcast, because we focus not on selling but on giving massive value, moving person from listener to lead and then treating that lead relationship like a relationship between two people versus a transaction. So I would say that's to me that's the biggest one that people who are guests, people who are hosts, they miss out if they don't really build their list with their podcast appearances, and I don't think enough people do that.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Right, hmm, yes, I have to agree with that. And I also want to ask you, because you've given some good advice for someone who already established a podcast and they have a business. So they and they they're trying to figure out how to use the podcast to enhance their business, so to speak. Do you find that a lot of entrepreneurs, coaches who start podcasts, don't really understand the role? You know, we do click funnels, we do Google and Facebook ads, but do we really understand the role of podcasts in our business?

Evans Putman:

That's a great question again, and I think the answer is no, people, and it's not necessarily the role, but the power of the podcast. Right, that's what's really powerful. And actually, I heard another one of your guests mention this statistic because I listened to your show before I came on, which I recommend everybody do, by the way. Thank you. But she mentioned that you know like 80% of podcast listeners listen to the complete episode. And those numbers may be a little bit higher now. I don't know how to check that, but I remember that stat before too, and it's true as a podcast. Or what we discovered and what my clients have discovered and what I help them do, is we actually work on not just growing the audience, getting the leads, getting people to buy your stuff. We actually focus on creating the type of content in your podcast that creates a transformation in the listener, a transformation that shifts their identity so that they believe in themselves a little bit more than they did before when they come on your show. So at the point when they come through this sort of progression, they go from a listener who may be thinking about you know, I've sort of thought about you know, working with a coach on this, but I'm not really sure if I'm ready to. Hey, not only do I feel ready now, I believe in myself, I see that this person's system can help me and I know I can be successful with it. So when you start thinking about the power of words and the way to shift identity and belief in transformation, it's an amazing way to not only just empower your listeners, to sort of make that shift to a higher version of themselves where they believe they can be successful, but it also they get shortens the sales cycle because it build so much trust and reciprocity where they want to give back to you now, now that you've given them something as well. So if you think about, I'm sure, how many, genuinely, have you ever seen anybody on stage before a speaker that just like made you want to jump out of your seat? You just like right, you're like I can do it. I can you know people yeah, yeah, I mean the Tony Robbins conference, yeah you go, you can take that same type of Stage presence and the stage, the speaking that speakers use and use that in your podcast to get the same kind of responses. And I think a lot of people miss out on that. And as coaches, consultants, business owners, we all want at least the good ones do. They want their clients to be successful and one of the best ways to you know you may have the best Tools in the world, the best strategy in the world, but if that person comes over and join your program and they don't believe in themselves and believe they can be successful, they're more likely than not going to be, not gonna be successful. So to me, that's where real, real power comes in from podcasting, because you can shift and change people's lives.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yes, yes, thank you for saying that and thank you for making that correction. Is that we don't understand the power, and it really is. It really hurts me as someone who just love podcasting, because Alex from pot match, the creator, pot match he brought out I don't know if you're in the pot pros community, but he brought out some stats about the ratio of Podcast started versus the ones that are actually active and it broke my heart Because the percentage was so low of active, active podcast. Is that I'm like we don't understand the power. So you're right and thank you for sharing that.

Evans Putman:

No, you're welcome, definitely, and it reminds me a lot of think about how many people buy digital courses and online programs and then just don't take advantage of them, it seems. Yeah, it's a similar kind of thing I think a lot of times. You need, you need, you need more than just the oh I know how to do a podcast. It's like, well, maybe you need a coach or a community or others around you that can sort of yes help you get through that home where you start to feel a little discouraged and move forward and give you guidance. So I think that's really important and shout out to Alex San Filipino, by the way, mention him what a great pot match is, an amazing service, absolutely.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Alex is a guy. Yeah, yeah, great customer service over there. Yeah, so I see you wearing a t-shirt and when we do the audio people will be able to see, but it says serve premier. What is that and what is the serve premier blueprint?

Evans Putman:

Well, this is in. Thank you for asking. This is, um, this is sort of been. You know, it's a journey of twenty plus years, like I mentioned, in the entrepreneurial space, and one of the things that I became known as someone who Serve and get gives a lot to others, and this is not something that I sort of put on myself. It was something that other people gave to me and it's it's just sort of a natural way. I think that I've always done things, probably get it from my mother, who is a teacher. I came from coaching. I used to coach basketball, so I coach. I come from a coaching sort of. I like to help other people when and I believe that's where a lot of that came from but when I mentioned is I left that other business, I took a moment stretch, right, didn't jump into another business yet and I took some time to focus on me and to make sure that because I at the time I was a little stressed, a little angry, I was a little bit of a different person than you're seeing right here right now. So I focused on, you know, morning routine, meditating, self care, working on my spirituality, all these different things, and it was during that that this actual blueprint was almost downloaded to me. Where I started thinking about it in, the word serve for nor came up. So I went in a trademark to the server nor blueprint, which I'm actually in the process of creating a program and a movement around that. To me, what a serve for nor is in the server nor movement represents is that I've spent so much time speaking to other entrepreneurs who are a little dissatisfied with the online space. They're a little dissatisfied with the way People perceive a lot of coaches and consultants that there's a lot of hustle and transactional approach and people who are just out there launching programs and doing things with no real intent Of helping others change their lives, just collecting money for their bank account. So to me, the serve for nor blueprint, the server movement, represents the type of entrepreneur who's in it for the right reasons there in it to serve others there in it, to serve a mission there in it, because they feel like they have a unique purpose and unique ability that needs to be shared with the world and they just need a community and they need others around them that know that it's okay to be a serving entrepreneur serve for nor, it's okay to give, but you also do want to receive, right, you want to create the cycle to give, receive cycle. But the four pillars. I'll share these and then we can follow up if you have any other questions. But the four pillars of the server for nor blueprint, this is more like the path, the way that I help. I'm building out this movement of people where we're coming together as a network and we help each other, we collaborate, we have a community around it. But those are and it's be Do, give and grow, or the four main pillars of the server for nor blueprint, where many people you think of you here, be, do have and it stops there and I'm like no, that's like that. That creates scarcity. If you just be and then have, what about the giving back?

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

yeah, to me.

Evans Putman:

That's where it shifted and it came to me in meditation, where I was like it's be do give, which creates the abundance cycle for everybody involved in the grow. Grow as yourself, as a person, but help others grow as well yes those are the four pillars of the server. Nor blueprint.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Okay, thank you.

Evans Putman:

Like that contribution and growth at the end, yeah, absolutely and I think podcasting brought out a lot of that in me. Working with podcasters because, as you probably know, jen, podcasting community is very collaborative. They love to help each other, they love to each other. So I think working with so many podcasters and seeing their desire to create impact and to change others lives really helped me sort of step into this sort of experience of the server nor in the server nor movement.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Yes, thank you. Thank you for sharing that, and I'm gonna ask you to share how we can get in touch with you in a moment. Before we do that, could you tell us what is Evan's grateful for today?

Evans Putman:

Gosh well why I'm grateful for this opportunity. Anytime someone shares their time with me, I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful I got to drive my daughter to school today because the past few days my wife was doing it and usually I do. It's like one of those things even though it's like a five minute maximum drive to her school, it's like that's one of the most rewarding parts of the day that I'm grateful for is that little stretch she is, she's young, she's gonna be a teenager and very few months, so it's young an opportunity while I can share it. So I would say I'm just grateful. I'm just grateful to be able to share my message with other people and hopefully it connects with somebody.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Okay, all right, thank you awesome, all right. So how can we get in touch with you?

Evans Putman:

Well, is it okay if I give your, your listeners, something and a nice free gift for?

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

absolute free.

Evans Putman:

So I have to practice what I preach, right it's so what I would say is I've created this is. This is perfect for If you have a, if you're a guest on podcast or a host, because I like to cover the whole audience. So if you're doing either one of those, I've got something I call the listeners to leads to high ticket clients blueprint, and I'd love to share that with you. This is something that you can use to get more listener, get more leads from your appearances as a host or guest, and you can get that by texting the word leads, so it's leads. You text the word leads to five, five, four, four, four, so it's leads to five, five, four, four, four. Or you can go to podcast sales machine dot com forward, slash leads and do it the old fashioned way of entering in your email address that way.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Awesome, thank you. So leads five, five, four, four, four text. We put those links below and so people could utilize them. Thank you, I really appreciate your, evans, definitely. Any parting shot yes, for sure, any parting shots to a podcast or an entrepreneur or both.

Evans Putman:

I would just say you know, don't ever forget that your message matters. Don't ever forget that you have a unique talent, a unique ability that was installed at you when you came into this Experience right, and don't ever forget that you can just be you and rise into your authentic self and get out there and share you with the world and you'll attract the right people, you connect with the right people and you'll create change in the right people. So, yeah, that's what I'd share. It's like just just get out there and do it. Share that message, share your mission, get out there and shine so you can attract and affect others.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Awesome. Thank you, Evans Putman for coming and talking to us today. I apologize for that, but because I'm used to the name partner.

Evans Putman:

So I keep missing.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):

Pop man sorry.

Evans Putman:

I love it now. I like how you said it that time, so now you got it down is perfect, thank you thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to serve your audience.

J. Rosemarie (Jenn):
